Friday, December 30, 2011

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2011

This was my first year of blogging and I have come a long way!  I can't believe how much I have learned this year and how much I have grown.  I am so grateful to the readers of this blog, my clients and all of the support I have been given.  I feel blessed beyond words.  Thank you!

To conclude the first year of BDG Style I thought I would do a re-cap of The top 5 blog posts of the year based on pageviews.  So, if you are new to BDG Style or may have missed these popular posts, I hope you enjoy.

The Top 5 Blog Posts of 2011 

I hope you all have a Happy New Year!



  1. I don't think I knew about your blog when you did the post on Drapeery Do's and Don'ts. I clicked over and immediately read it, because I will be looking for drapes soon and want a high end look but don't want to make an expensive mistake. This post was right on time! Thanks!

  2. I just found your blog from Cottage & Vine - Love your style - I really enjoyed seeing your work! I look forward to seeing more ... am your newest follower. Happy 2012!

  3. They are my favourite posts. I missed the one about draperies because I didn't know about your blog at the time.

    I just bought ready-made drapes last Thursday and they are flat panel - yay! I won't be installing them to the ceiling because I was worried about leaving too much space between the top of the window and the ceiling (23 inches). They'll be hung half-way so hopefully they won't look too bad.

    I have one Do and one Don't - maybe they'll cancel each other out. :)

  4. I just stumbled across your blog and I have to say, I am in love with it. As an aspiring interior designer just starting my own blog and my education in design, you are truly an inspiration. Congratulations on your success. I hope to one day have a career like yours!
    All the best,
    Tiffany @
